Thursday, October 17, 2013


October 17, 2013
October! The word rustles like orange leaves under your feet. The evening air hints at frosty nights and yet the ebbing beams of sun warm your face. The days feel shorter and you ask yourself when did it get dark? At least that's the October I remember.

My question of the day is will the rain hold off so that I can get a quick swim? Maybe yes today. Yesterday the gray sky lowered slowly and by the afternoon, the volcano was covered. I did get out for a run, but then it finally decided to rain so I let myself head home early. The real rain did not arrive until after dark, and right around bedtime its friends showed up. Thunder and lightning here is a more intimate event than in New England; it feels as it it is right on top of you. Eventually they all went off to play somewhere else, but it was a substantial amount of rain.

I will try to post some photos of the birthday party at the Posada. I say try, because I'm on a pc, the photos are on a couple of jump drives, and I haven't really even looked at them all. Happily, I have arranged to use an iMac in the high school library, but only on my off time. (I may get spoiled by that huge screen)

You know it's a good party when Mother Teresa puts in an appearance. Two pinatas helped too.
Clearly, I figured out the photo system (not rocket science) but selecting from thumbnails wasn't so hot. I'll try to be a little more selective next time. With my iMac access, creative work should go better, and that will be a nudge to get out with the camera more.

I neglected to mention that Papa John's in Santa Tecla donated the pizza and the bear. They both added a lot to the party, and I could be persuaded to eat there. It was good (gringo) pizza.

1 comment:

  1. That caked looks soooooo yummy. Wish I could be there, but not just for the yum! Em, the elder
